Young Adult & Teenage Performance Anxiety Treatment

Performance anxiety is a subtype of anxiety that arises when an individual experiences extreme anxiety and distressed when faced with a situation where they are required to perform, present themselves, or meet certain expectations. This could be in academic, social, or recreational settings, like taking a test, a match, or performing on stage. Often it is referred to only in the context of the specific situation when it only arises in one area like, test anxiety or stage fright, though one could argue that it may be only manifesting in one area that is in focus at the moment. Performance anxiety is common and treatable.

Physical Symptoms of Performance Anxiety

  • Increased Heart Rate: Your child may experience a racing heart or palpitations.
  • Sweating: Excessive sweating, especially in the palms or forehead, is a common physical manifestation.
  • Trembling or Shaking: Noticeable physical tremors or shakes may occur.
  • Cognitive and Emotional Signs:
  • Excessive Worry: Your child might express intense concern about the upcoming performance, often anticipating negative outcomes.
  • Negative Self-Talk: They may engage in self-critical or pessimistic thoughts about their abilities.
  • Fear of Failure: A deep fear of making mistakes or not meeting expectations can be a dominant emotion.

Behavioral Signs of Anxiety in High Performing Teens

  • Avoidance: Your child may try to avoid situations that trigger performance anxiety.
  • Procrastination: Putting off tasks related to the performance can be a way of coping with anxiety.
  • Physical Restlessness: Restlessness or fidgeting may be noticeable before or during the performance.
  • Decreased Performance: Despite possessing the necessary skills, anxiety can hinder their ability to perform at their best.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: It may be challenging for your child to focus and concentrate due to racing thoughts.

If performance anxiety is significantly impacting a teen or young adult’s quality of life, evidence-based therapy can be extremely powerful in the short- and long-term as future challenges arise. The intervention is tailored to the individual’s specific needs and helps them develop effective coping strategies for their performance area(s). The goal is to help your child manage anxiety effectively, build resilience, and perform at their best in various aspects of life.

Anxiety is Different For Everyone

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