Based on research led by Lumate’s clinical leadership team over the last 30+ years. Empirically proven to be the most effective form of therapy for anxiety.
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We deliver comprehensive, thoroughly tested Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxiety through our teletherapy platform that is completed over 3-4 months.
All of our expert, doctoral or master's-level therapists complete our extensive training and supervision. Our therapists partner with the teenager or young adult and their families for the duration of treatment.
Teenagers and young adults will be paired with an expert therapist who will tailor the sessions and supporting materials to match their specific needs and goals. All content is based on decades of research and testing.
We engage parents and guardians during therapy to augment and sustain the teenager's progress. We provide access to content and therapy support with ongoing access to supplemental materials.
Our portal enables teenagers or young adults to set goals, practice what they're learning, and track their progress. They also receive personalized reminders, tools, and tips between sessions to enhance engagement.
We provide ongoing content, workshops, and booster sessions to reinforce skills over time.
Find out if your treatment is covered. We understand the importance of accessible mental health care for teens and young adults. That’s why we offer various insurance options to ensure that our online CBT programs are within reach for those seeking support. Here’s how our insurance coverage verification process works:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) at Lumate offers individualized strategies for treating anxiety in teenagers and young adults, empowering them to evaluate negative thoughts, challenge their avoidance and build resilience. Through guided exposure and other evidence-based techniques, CBT equips children, teenagers and young adults with long-term coping skills to effectively manage anxiety in their daily lives. Here are some key benefits of treatment with CBT for anxiety:
Our goal is not just to help relieve symptoms but to teach you to take control of anxiety through skills that can last a lifetime.
We are grounded in the most rigorous training and supervision protocols.
Parents and guardians are engaged in the therapy and we want to make sure everyone is aware of what to expect during treatment and beyond.`
Provider or School? Refer a patient today.