Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D., ABPP


My Why

During my own anxious childhood, my parents and family were so supportive, never judging and always focusing me on what I can do to overcome challenges and thrive. Now, with the Lumate family of collaborators, clinicians and business partners, I get to pay that support forward, helping youth rise up to be their very best selves as they take on the challenges and joys of life.

Anne Marie Albano Ph.D., ABPP, is the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CUCARD) Professor of Medical Psychology in Psychiatry. She received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Mississippi. Anne Marie is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and is Board Certified in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Anne Marie was the recipient of the 2015 ABCT Award for Outstanding Contributions by an Individual for Clinical Activities, and established by a grateful donor, ABCT offers an annual award in her name for a member early in their career and demonstrating excellence in the integration of science and practice. Upon her retirement from Columbia University, the CUCARD Professorship will be renamed after her.

Anne Marie served as President of the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology of the American Psychological Association and also President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), editor of Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, founding editor of the journal Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, and associate editor of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. She was a Principal Investigator for the NIMH-funded “Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Treatment Study” (CAMS) and the “Treatments for Adolescents with Depression Study” (TADS), as well as their follow-up studies. Presently, Anne Marie and her team are developing and testing virtual environments that are developmentally and contextually valid for adolescents and young adults who suffer with anxiety and mood disorders, with the aim to extend the benefits of evidence-based therapies and make meaningful, lasting changes for emerging adults.

With her colleagues, Anne Marie has published over 200 articles and chapters and she the co-author of several cognitive behavioral treatment manuals and of the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-5, Child and Parent Versions, all published by Oxford University Press, where she is also the co-editor of the series “Programs that Work” with David H. Barlow. She is a mentor, teacher, and supervisor to child psychiatry fellows, clinical psychology students and fellows, and to audiences of clinicians from the range of mental health professions. Anne Marie is a frequently sought-after presenter in the US and by international organizations interested in training and education of mental health professionals as well as consumer audiences. In addition to her clinical and teaching roles, Anne Marie serves as a consultant to organizations and entities in developing clinical services or research methods to evaluate services, as well to non-profit boards focused on mental health, suicide prevention, and health education for youth. Anne Marie donates her time as an advisor to schools, the Jed Foundation, and similar organizations supporting the mental health and wellness of youth.

Committed to empowering parents in assisting their children in developing independence and mastery of anxiety, Anne Marie’s family and evidence-based approach stems from personal experience as well as her years of study and clinical work. Her approach is summarized in her 2020 TEDMED talk, “How to Raise Kids Who Can Overcome Anxiety” as well as in a guide for parents in her 2014 book with Leslie Pepper, “You and Your Anxious Child: Free Your Child from Fears and Worries and Create a Joyful Family Life”. In 2021, with co-host Nina Korelitz Matza, Anne Marie launched the “Listen More” podcast for parents of adolescents and young adults (

Family is central to Anne Marie, and she spends every moment possible with her husband Mark, visiting their daughters, parents, siblings and assorted relatives and friends. Her hobbies include learning all things about her Italian and Irish roots, taking long walks or playing Scrabble with Mark, fixing up their brownstone in Brooklyn, and perfecting their home-made pizzas to share with big gatherings of family and friends.

Select Publications:
Hoffman, L., Guerry, J., & Albano, A.M. (2018). Anxiety Disorders: Transitional Age Youth. Current Psychiatry Reports: Child and Adolescent Disorders, 20: 25. Philadelphia: Springer., 10.1007/s11920-018-0888-9
Mazza, S.J., & Albano, A.M. (2015). Selective Mutism: Psychotherapeutic perspective. In P. Jensen & C. Galantar (Eds), DSM-5 Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Press.
Walkup, J., Albano, A.M., Piacentini, J.P., Birmaher, B., Compton, S., Sherrill, J., Ginsburg, G., Rynn, M., McCracken, J., Waslick, B., Iyengar, S., March, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2008). Cognitive behavioral therapy, sertraline, or a combination for childhood anxiety. New England Journal of Medicine, 359, 2753-2766.
Albano, A.M. (1995). Treatment of social anxiety in adolescents. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 2, 271-298.

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